
Hard riddles

Hard riddles with answers

September 7, 2024

I turn once, what is out will not get in. I turn again, what is in will not get out. What am I? πŸ€”

Answer: A key πŸ”‘.

Explanation: A key, when turned in a lock, either locks or unlocks a door πŸšͺ, controlling access in and out of a space. πŸ”„

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I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every person. What am I? πŸ€”

Answer: A pencil.

Explanation: The graphite (often called "lead") in a pencil is mined from the earth 🌍. It's encased in wood, and though the wood is shaved away βœ‚οΈ, the graphite inside is never fully released until the pencil is completely used up. πŸ“

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I have no voice, yet I speak to you. I tell of all the things in the world that people do. I have leaves, but I’m not a tree. What am I?πŸ€”

Answer: A book.

Explanation: A book communicates information without a voice πŸ—£οΈ, contains pages (referred to as 'leaves' πŸƒ), and shares stories or knowledge. πŸ“–"

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I can only live where there is light β˜€οΈ, but I die if the light shines on me. What am I? πŸ€”

Answer: A shadow.

Explanation: A shadow is formed by light πŸ’‘ but disappears if direct light shines on it. πŸŒ‘

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The one who makes it, sells it πŸ› οΈ. The one who buys it never uses it πŸ’΅. The one who uses it never knows they’re using it. What is it? πŸ€”

Answer: A coffin ⚰️.

Explanation: A coffin is made by a carpenter (maker), sold by an undertaker (seller) βš’οΈ, bought by the family (buyer) πŸ’°, and used by the deceased (who never knows they’re using it). πŸ•ŠοΈ

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Hard riddles for 10 year olds

September 7, 2024

What begins with an 'E,' ends with an 'E,' and has one letter inside?

Answer: An envelope.

Explanation: The word 'envelope' starts and ends with 'E' and contains a letter (as in a piece of mail) inside. βœ‰οΈ

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I have a neck but no head. I have two arms but no hands 🀲. What am I? πŸ€”

Answer: A shirt.

Explanation: A shirt has a neck and sleeves (arms) but no head or hands. πŸ‘š

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I am not alive, but I can die if you use me too much. What am I? πŸ€”

Answer: A battery.

Explanation: A battery is not alive but loses its charge (or 'dies') if used too much. ⚑

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What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it? πŸ’¨

Answer: Silence.

Explanation: Saying anything breaks the silence.

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I have branches, but no fruit, trunk, or leaves. What am I?

Answer: A bank.

Explanation: A bank has branches (locations) but no fruit, trunk, or leaves like a tree.

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Hard riddles 2023

September 7, 2024

What is always coming but never arrives? ⏳

Answer: Tomorrow.

Explanation: Tomorrow is always approaching but never actually arrives.

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What has a bottom at the top? πŸ†

Answer: A leg (of a table or chair) 🦡

Explanation: The bottom of the leg is at the top of the furniture.

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What can be as big as a mountain but always remains small?

Answer: A box πŸ“¦

Explanation: The concept of a box can be large in idea but physically remains a small container.

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I have no wings, yet I can fly. I have no eyes, yet I can cry. What am I?

Answer: A cloud ☁️

Explanation: A cloud can float (fly) and produce rain (cry) but doesn’t have wings or eyes.

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I have no legs but I can travel, I have no eyes but I can see, I have no mouth but I can speak. What am I?

Answer: A computer πŸ’»

Explanation: A computer can process information (travel), display visuals (see), and produce sound (speak) but doesn’t have legs, eyes, or a mouth.

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