
Easy riddles for kids

riddles for kids easy

September 2, 2024

What is always coming but never arrives?

Answer: Tomorrow ⏳.

Explanation: Tomorrow is always coming but never actually arrives because it continually shifts into the next day.

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What has a bed but never sleeps, and has a mouth but never eats?

Answer: A river 🌊.

Explanation: A river has a "bed" (the ground it flows over) and a "mouth" (where it meets another body of water) but doesn’t sleep or eat.

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What has to be fed but never drinks?

Answer: A fire 🔥.

Explanation: A fire needs fuel (food) to keep burning but doesn’t drink.

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What has a ring but no finger?

Answer: A telephone 📞.

Explanation: A telephone has a ring (the sound it makes) but no finger.

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What has to be made before you can use it?

Answer: A plan 📝.

Explanation: You need to make a plan before you can use it.

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simple riddles for kids

September 2, 2024

What has ears but cannot hear?

Answer: Corn 🌽.

Explanation: Corn has "ears" (the part that holds the kernels), but it cannot hear.

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What kind of room has no doors or windows?

Answer: A mushroom 🍄.

Explanation: A mushroom has the word "room" in it, but it's not a real room with doors or windows.

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What is orange and sounds like a parrot?

Answer: A carrot 🥕.

Explanation: "Carrot" rhymes with "parrot," but it's a vegetable, not a bird.

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What is always in the middle of a “march” but doesn’t walk?

Answer: The letter "R" 🔠.

Explanation: The letter "R" is in the middle of the word "march."

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What begins with T, ends with T, and has T in it?

Answer: A teapot 🍵.

Explanation: The word "teapot" starts and ends with the letter "T" and has "tea" inside it.

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easy riddles for kids what am I

September 2, 2024

I’m known for my long neck and eating leaves from tall trees. Who am I?

Answer: A giraffe 🦒.

Explanation: Giraffes have long necks, allowing them to reach leaves on tall trees.

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I’m a bird that can’t fly but can run very fast. Who am I?

Answer: An ostrich 🐦.

Explanation: Ostriches are large birds that cannot fly, but they can run extremely fast.

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I’m covered in spines and curl into a ball when scared. Who am I?

Answer: A hedgehog 🦔.

Explanation: Hedgehogs have spines on their backs and curl up into a ball for protection when frightened.

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I’m a big bear that loves eating bamboo. Who am I?

Answer: A panda 🐼.

Explanation: Pandas are bears native to China and are known for their love of bamboo.

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I have a shell on my back and move very slowly. Who am I?

Answer: A turtle 🐢.

Explanation: Turtles are reptiles with shells on their backs and are known for moving slowly.

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easy Christmas riddles for kids

September 6, 2024

What’s white and falls from the sky at Christmas?

Answer: Snow ❄️.

Explanation: Snow is white and falls from the sky when it's cold during Christmas.

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Who comes down the chimney on Christmas Eve?

Answer: Santa Claus 🎅.

Explanation: Santa comes down the chimney to bring presents on Christmas Eve.

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What do you put on top of a Christmas tree?

Answer: A star ⭐.

Explanation: A star is usually placed on top of the Christmas tree to make it look shiny.

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What’s red and white and brings presents?

Answer: Santa Claus 🎅.

Explanation: Santa Claus wears a red and white suit and brings gifts.

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What’s cold, round, and made of snow?

Answer: A snowman ⛄.

Explanation: A snowman is made by rolling snow into big, round balls.

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